What’s in this episode?

Chapter 1: Three Trans Teens Die by Suicide

Last year, in a single year, three Trans and non-binary teens in Lancaster Pennsylvania died by suicide. There has been virtually no media coverage of this tragedy in Lancaster, regionally or nationally. Sister Dottie Almoney of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Lancaster said in a eulogy for one of the victims that the “enemy was mental illness” — even as anti-trans rhetoric was implicated in a note published by the same victim on the day of their suicide. Former President Donald Trump makes a statement opposing gender affirming care. Gender conformity has deep roots in American culture. Four movies/shows are cited, “Gone With the Wind,” “Downton Abbey,” “The Godfather,” and “A Man for All Seasons.”

The filmmaker offers a blessing for the three victims, “May their memory be a blessing.”

Length: 4:36

Learn More:

Trans Youth Suicide Rate: Advocating for Change

The alarming rate of transgender suicides, especially among youth, continues to plague our communities, with statistics showing trans individuals are at a significantly higher risk compared to the general population. It's imperative to address the underlying factors contributing to this crisis and provide the necessary support and resources to prevent further loss of life.

Trans Rights Are Human Rights: A Call to Action

Trans rights are human rights, and it's time for society to recognize and uphold this fundamental truth. Discrimination, prejudice, and lack of legal protections contribute to the marginalization and vulnerability of transgender individuals. Advocating for comprehensive legal reforms and fostering inclusive environments are essential steps towards achieving equality and justice for all.

Empowering Transgender Youth: Building a Brighter Future

Transgender youth deserve love, acceptance, and support as they navigate their identities and experiences. By promoting inclusive education, offering affirming healthcare services, and creating safe spaces, we can empower transgender youth to thrive and fulfill their potential. It's crucial to listen to their voices, validate their experiences, and advocate for policies that prioritize their well-being.

Taking Action: Towards a More Inclusive Society

The time for change is now. By raising awareness, challenging stigma, and advocating for policy reforms, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of gender identity. Together, let's stand in solidarity with the transgender community and work towards a future where every person is valued, respected, and celebrated for who they are.

Additional Chapters:

  • Chapter 4

    Yet another tragic suicide of a Trans youth in Lancaster PA: an extraordinary young man named Ashton Clatterbuck. PA State Senator Ryan Aument, who serves Lancaster, authored legislation called worse than Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. Clips from “Alien” and “Rebecca.” An open question is posed to Senator Ryan Aument. Length: 11:53

  • Chapter 3

    Fungi and the Death of Three Trans Teens. A little bit about Lancaster Pennsylvania. Local community leaders implement national strategies to subjugate local trans and LGBTQ teens. News clips. A comparison is made to the HBO series, “The Last of Us.” Length: 4:49

  • Chapter 5

    James Lantz is invited to talk to Amber LeMay on AmberLive.tv on supporting LGBTQ teens and youth amid the wave of anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ legislation and rhetoric sweeping the U.S. James talks about what inspired him to create this web series, his commercial project to support LGBTQ youth during the upcoming election, as well as his diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. Length: 27:05